Sunday, December 19, 2010

Life at our house.

The colorful lights on our Christmas tree are glowing in the semi-darkness of our living room.  The tree is enormous, so much bigger than it looked in the parking lot of the grocery store where we bough it.  I think it doubled in size on the way home.  It's a gorgeous blue spruce that makes me a little sad that it's only going to be beautiful a few weeks longer. 

When we first were married I loved decorating our tree with the ornaments from our wedding.  All burgundy and gold and green.  Gold bows and white lights looked so pretty and together.  Over the last twelve Christmas's (we didn't even have a tree our first year in our home, but we had two at our wedding!) we've added childish ornaments.  Handmade angels, snowmen, stars, and a special ornament picked out each year for each of the girls.  That makes up a lot of ornaments.  None of them match, but they are all a fun memory of a year gone by.  This year thanks to a good friend the girls and I have an ornament purchased at Disney, in remembrance our family vacation last year.  (The one I wish we were experiencing again! lol)

On the top of the tree is my daughter's red angel.  She loves it.  It fits, so it's there.  My gorgeous angel with brocade and gold lace is too tall with this tree to fit. 

On our coffee table are not one but two nativity scenes all with the glass figures centered around the baby in the manger.  The angel, my tree topper angel is looking down on all of them. 

There are five stockings strewn around the room.  My youngest is so curious as to what I will put in hers and what I will put in daddy's and can she help? (no, lol)  There are gifts already wrapped and under the tree and I have more in my room waiting to be wrapped.  It's a bit of a mess out here and I'm too tired to clean it up right now.

So blessed. 

My three beautiful girls are watching television with their daddy. They are cuddled around him on our bed.  I think now it's Myth Busters.   My youngest was out here in the living room with me for awhile, playing game on my phone. 

Thirteen years ago I dreamed of today and had no idea what it would really be like.  It's not what I hoped, not what I expected.  Rarely are the things God gives me actually what I thought I wanted.  Sometimes it's better, and sometimes I'm disappointed.  But for better or worse, this is where we are today, now.  Where will I sit thirteen years from now? My heart trips as I think of that and I push the thought aside.  I don't want to know. I just want to enjoy today and wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Thirteen years ago today was the last day of my life as Sara Burks.  Thirteen years ago tomorrow I became Sara Adams.  So blessed.

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